News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department

On Duty

New Orleans Police Department Yields Impactful Results with New Crime Fighting Initiative

by Kaitlin M Landry

November 6, 2023

Categories: On Duty

Topics: Good Police Work, Partnerships, Second District, Sixth District

New Orleans Police Department Yields Impactful Results with New Crime Fighting Initiative

NOPD Second and Sixth Districts have yielded significant results in recent weeks by implementing a new initiative in proactive policing.

NOPD Investigating Traffic Fatality in Seventh District

by Aaron E. Looney

November 6, 2023

Categories: On Duty

Topics: Seventh District, Traffic Fatality/Hit and Run

NOPD Investigating Traffic Fatality in Seventh District

The NOPD is investigating a traffic fatality that occurred during the early morning hours today (November 6, 2023) on Interstate 10 West at the Highrise Bridge and left a driver dead.

NOPD Arrests Suspect in Homicide Investigation

by Aaron E. Looney

October 31, 2023

Categories: On Duty

Topics: Fifth District, Good Police Work, Homicide

NOPD Arrests Suspect in Homicide Investigation

The NOPD has booked Kenneth Saulsberry (black male, DOB: 02-19-2003) in the investigation of a homicide that occurred on July 7, 2023, in the 4300 block of North Villere Street.

NOPD Obtains Arrest Warrant for Suspect in Eighth District Shooting

by Aaron E. Looney

October 30, 2023

Categories: Be on the Lookout, On Duty

Topics: Assault/Battery, Eighth District, Good Police Work

NOPD Obtains Arrest Warrant for Suspect in Eighth District Shooting

The NOPD has obtained an arrest warrant for Quintel Morgan (photo not available, black male, DOB: 07-09-1992) in the investigation of a shooting that occurred on October 28, 2023, in the 100 block of Royal Street.

NOPD, LSP Arrest Suspect in Criminal Damage Incident

by Kaitlin M Landry

October 28, 2023

Categories: On Duty

Topics: Criminal Damage, Good Police Work, Partnerships, Third District

NOPD, LSP Arrest Suspect in Criminal Damage Incident

Today (October 27, 2023), the NOPD and Louisiana State Police arrested Maurice Riley (male, DOB: 05-28-2023) in the investigation of a criminal damage incident that occurred in the 6200 block of Pratt Drive on October 18, 2023.

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