News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department

February 2023

NOPD Investigating Homicide in Seventh District

by Karen A Boudrie

February 28, 2023

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Homicide, Seventh District

NOPD Investigating Homicide in Seventh District

The NOPD is investigating a fatal shooting that occurred in the Seventh District on February 28, 2023.

NOPD Investigating Homicide in Sixth District

by Karen A Boudrie

February 28, 2023

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Homicide, Sixth District

NOPD Investigating Homicide in Sixth District

The NOPD is investigating a homicide that occurred today (February 28, 2023) in the 2300 block of Washington Avenue that left one person dead.

NOPD Searching for Suspect/Vehicle in Theft Investigation

by Karen A Boudrie

February 28, 2023

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Burglary/Theft, Second District

NOPD Searching for Suspect/Vehicle in Theft Investigation

The NOPD is asking for the public's assistance in an investigation into the theft of a catalytic converter in the Second District.



NOPD Seeking Attempted Burglary Suspect

by Karen A Boudrie

February 28, 2023

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Burglary/Theft, Third District

The NOPD is asking for the public's assistance in identifying a subject wanted in connection with an attempted business burglary in the Third District.

Third District Seeking Theft Suspect

by Karen A Boudrie

February 27, 2023

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Burglary/Theft, Third District

Third District Seeking Theft Suspect

The NOPD is asking for the public's assistance in locating a suspect wanted in connection with a theft investigation.



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