News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department

November 2020

Suspect Sought in Second District Armed Robbery

by Aaron E. Looney

November 30, 2020

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Armed Robbery, Second District

Suspect Sought in Second District Armed Robbery

The NOPD is seeking assistance from the public in locating and identifying a suspect in the investigation of an armed robbery on November 29, 2020 in the 5500 block of Magazine Street.

Subject Sought for Aggravated Assault in First District

by Aaron E. Looney

November 30, 2020

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Assault/Battery, First District

Subject Sought for Aggravated Assault in First District

The NOPD is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying and locating a subject in the investigation of an aggravated assault with a firearm on October 20, 2020 in the 2500 block of Orleans Avenue.

NOPD Seeking Suspects in Eighth District Armed Robbery

by Aaron E. Looney

November 30, 2020

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Armed Robbery, Eighth District

NOPD Seeking Suspects in Eighth District Armed Robbery

The NOPD is seeking assistance in locating and identifying two suspects in the investigation of an armed robbery on November 23, 2020 in the 600 block of Saint Ann Street.

NOPD Arrests Sixth District Homicide Suspect

by Paris Holmes

November 24, 2020

Categories: On Duty

Topics: Assault/Battery, Homicide, Sixth District

NOPD Arrests Sixth District Homicide Suspect

NEW ORLEANS - The NOPD quickly arrested Francisco Romero (pictured, DOB: 09-06-1998) on November 19, 2020 at the scene of a fatal stabbing that occurred that day in the 1800 block of Chippewa Street.   

NOPD Officer's Quick Action Saves the Life of 7-Year-Old Shooting Victim

by Paris Holmes

November 24, 2020

Categories: On Duty

Topics: Assault/Battery, Fifth District

NOPD Officer's Quick Action Saves the Life of 7-Year-Old Shooting Victim

New Orleans –  An NOPD officer’s quick action saved the life of a seven-year-old shooting victim today (November 24, 2020) in the 2500 block of North Prieur Street.   

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