News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department


NOPD’s Victim Witness Assistance Unit Adds Licensed Counselors, Counseling for Victims of Major Crimes

by Ambria R. Washington

April 13, 2017

Categories: On the Beat, Videos

Topics: Community Policing, Partnerships

As the National Crime Victims’ Rights Week ends, the NOPD’s Victim Witness Assistance Unit continues to develop new services to help victims and witnesses cope with grief and trauma associated with major crimes. 

NOPD’s Newest Police Horse is a Real Lady

by Dawne Massey

April 13, 2017

Categories: Announcement

Topics: Partnerships

NOPD’s Newest Police Horse is a Real Lady

The newest addition to the New Orleans Police Department’s Mounted Unit now has her official name: Detroit Lady.

Join the NOPD Family – Adopt-A-Horse

by Dawne Massey

April 6, 2017

Categories: Announcement

Topics: Partnerships

Join the NOPD Family – Adopt-A-Horse

The New Orleans Police Department’s Mounted Unit is one of the department’s most iconic divisions.  Visible in the historic French Quarter and at such high profile events as Mardi Gras, Super Bowls and many of the city’s numerous music festivals, the horses are an integral part of the NOPD and they always seem to draw a crowd.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

by Dawne Massey

April 4, 2017

Categories: Community

Topics: Community Policing, Partnerships

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

On April 3, 2017, officers and detectives from NOPD’s Child Abuse Unit joined Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana (PCAL) and their community partners to officially kick-off April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month. 

CNN Special Beyond the Call of Duty Features Two NOPD Officers

by Ambria R. Washington

March 3, 2017

Categories: Community, On Duty

Topics: Community Policing, Fifth District, Fourth District, Partnerships

CNN Special Beyond the Call of Duty Features Two NOPD Officers

Fourth District officer James Caire and Fifth District Sgt. Gregory Johnson were featured on CNN’s special segment Beyond the Call of Duty today for their work as NOPD officers and volunteers at McDonough 35 High School. 

Click here to WATCH and read the full article on CNN

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