NEW ORLEANS – The NOPD is looking for information that can help locate a subject involved in a robbery incident that occurred on November 19, 2019.
At around 9:35 p.m., the pictured unknown male subject entered a store located in the 4100 block of General DeGaulle. As a woman was standing at the counter to purchase some items, the subject grabbed her from behind and stole her wallet.
The subject is described as standing between 5’7” to 5’9” tall, with a medium build, and a low cut hairstyle. He weights between 150 to 200 pounds, and appeared to be in his mid 30’s to early 40’s. He reportedly has rows of gold teeth.
During the robbery, the subject was wearing a black hat with a star emblem on top, a orange polo style shirt, and a gray hooded sweatshirt.
Anyone with additional information on this incident or the identity of the subject is asked to contact NOPD Fourth District detectives at 504-658-6040, or to call anonymously to Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111 or toll-free at 1-877-903-STOP (7867).