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NOPD Invites Residents to Mounted Soccer Games Presented by Hancock Whitney

by Danielle B. Miller

November 6, 2018

Categories: Announcement, Community

Topics: Community Policing, Districts, Partnerships

NOPD Invites Residents to Mounted Soccer Games Presented by Hancock Whitney

The NOPD and Hancock Whitney presents the Mounted Police and Sheriff’s Department Soccer Games, which is set to take place at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 14, 2018, at the NOPD Mounted Stables, located at 1021 Harrison Avenue.

The first playoff games will be Baton Rouge Police Department vs. the Oxford, MS Police Department, followed by another game with NOPD vs. Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office.

The Angola Penitentiary once provided more than 75 percent of the horses used by the New Orleans Mounted Patrol, but that program has closed, denying the NOPD its only true source of quality police horses. Since then, the NOPD has started its own breeding program to ensure a self-maintained source of police horses.

In order to maintain the breeding program, the NOPD is partnering with Hancock Whitney to host the Mounted Soccer Games, in efforts to raise money to support the current Mounted Unit.

There will be special presentations from the NOPD K-9 Unit in between games. In addition, there will be an NOPD District Chili Cook-off. Participants will have an opportunity to purchase samples of some homemade chili using recipes from officers at the various districts and divisions.

The Mounted Soccer Games scheduled for Nov. 14 will be the first in a series of Mounted Soccer Games. The next playoff games will be in January 2019 followed by the Mounted World Cup, which will be played in March 2019.

The fun, family event is free and open to the public. Food and Beverages will be available with proceeds benefiting the NOPD’s Born and Bred Program.

For more information regarding the Mounted Soccer Games, please visit Mounted Cops NOLA at, or call the Public Information Office at 504-658-5858 for more information.