The following is a weekly report of citywide crime statistics compiled by the NOPD Analytics Unit for the period of July 14-20, 2024.
Click the chart below for a larger version. Please note that these statistical figures are preliminary and subject to further analysis and revision.
Notable arrests made
During the listed week, the NOPD also made the following notable arrest(s):
- On July 17, the NOPD arrested Christopher Spain (black male, DOB: 03-08-2005), on charges of sexual battery and attempted sexual battery. The arrest was made in the investigation of two sexual battery incidents that occurred on June 14 in the 900 and 1100 blocks of City Park Avenue, respectively.
- On July 16, the NOPD arrested Phillip Jenkins (black male, DOB: 08-15-1983) on charges of attempted murder, aggravated assault and for sex crimes. Jenkins was arrested after tactical measures were implemented in an incident in the 2800 block of South Johnson Street.
Gun arrests (arrests made under LA RS 14:95 and sub-items)
Year to date, the NOPD has made 318 arrests for illegal possession of a firearm. This is a 38-percent decrease compared to 516 arrests made during the same period in 2023.