UPDATE: Both Christine Craig & Arlene Craig were arrested w/o incident in connection with this investigation.
ORIGINAL RELEASE: The NOPD has obtained arrest warrants for Christine Craig (pictured at left, DOB: 09-30-1975) and Arlene Craig (pictured at right, DOB: 01-12-1952) in the investigation of a home invasion incident that occurred on August 23, 2019 in the 8800 block of Gervais Street.
At approximately 10:15 a.m., the wanted subjects reportedly arrived at the victim’s residence, demanding immediate payment of their rental deposit. The victim advised the deposit would be returned at the end of their contract. The wanted subjects then allegedly began to beat the victim with punches and kicks. The victim retreated into his residence, at which time the wanted subjects reportedly entered the victim’s residence and continued their attack.
Arrest warrants have been placed on file. When located, these wanted subjects will be arrested and each charged with home invasion and simple battery of the infirm.
Anyone with additional information regarding this incident or the whereabouts of the wanted suspects is asked to contact NOPD Seventh District detectives at 504-658-6070, or call Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111 or toll-free at 1-877-903-STOP.