Like many of you, we are monitoring the trial of Derek Chauvin in Minnesota as it is happening. We know these are difficult times and our society is at a delicate point.
While we await the results of the trial, we all need to remain calm and composed. No matter the outcome, we will get through this together. The people of New Orleans can’t let an incident that occurred elsewhere dictate what happens and defines us here.
To be sure, the killing of George Floyd was another example in a long list of the unjust treatment of people of color at the hands of law enforcement. But the trial of Derek Chauvin has also provided the opportunity to examine that history and the ways in which we hold one another accountable.
Just like everywhere around the country, we had a long, hot summer of protests last year. But here, instead of destroying property, we talked about what was happening around us.
We told you then, and will tell you again, we understand the issues and share your concerns. And while there is always room for improvement, we continue to lead the way in enacting the reforms you’re demanding. You should also know, because of the reforms we’re leading the way on, other police departments from around the country are coming to us to learn what we’re doing and how we’re implementing Constitutional policing that treats everyone the same across the board, no matter who they are.
While we are certainly proud of this, the reason I’m telling you this is to reassure you that the positive change we’re making here, is truly making its way around the country. Real law enforcement reform is here now, and it is here to stay.