The NOPD is looking to identify three unknown suspects who were seen on surveillance video burglarizing an unlocked vehicle in 700 block of Spain Street.
The incident happened on September 25, 2016. The victim told police he parked his vehicle on the street in front of his residence at around 4:00 p.m. A few hours later, around 8:45 p.m., the victim heard a noise outside of his home and went to look at his home security video. The victim then observed two unknown male suspects standing near his vehicle. The victim told police he started yelling at the suspects and that’s when they ran off toward Dauphine Street then in an unknown direction. The victim also saw an unknown female suspect running along with the two men.
If you have any information on the identity of these suspects, please contact any Eighth District detective at 504-658-6080.
Citizens with information that can help solve a crime are asked to call Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111 or toll-free 1-877-903-STOP.