The New Orleans Police Department successfully concluded security operations this afternoon, maintaining the peace and safely protecting more than 700 demonstrators at the site. Respecting the rights of all citizens to assemble and to protest, the NOPD was on the job to maintain public safety.
In cooperation with the City’s Office of Homeland Security and law enforcement partners on the local and federal level, NOPD officers enacted extraordinary security measures which successfully kept the public safe and protected demonstrators on both sides of this highly-charged issue.
The NOPD made three arrests in connection with today’s protest activities, all early in the afternoon near the Lee Circle site. Three people involved in a scuffle were arrested and charged with disturbing the peace. A second scuffle later in the day was immediately broken up by police, with no arrests made.
All protestors followed law enforcement directives to obey laws which ban masks and firearms at protest events. No protester on either side was arrested in violation of the city’s prohibition.
One woman was removed from the scene late in the day and transported by EMS for heat-related problems unrelated to the demonstrations.
Road closures at Calliope and Carondelet, St. Charles and Calliope, Howard and Carondelet and St. Joseph at St. Charles have now been lifted.