NOPD Chief Michael Harrison was inducted into McDonogh 35’s Distinguished Wall of Fame on Friday, February 23, 2018.
See full video here.
In the wake of McDonogh 35’s centennial anniversary, members of McDonogh 35’s Alumni Association selected 48 alumni based upon their personal and professional achievement. Although the competition was rigid, Chief Harrison fit the pedigree for what the wall of fame represents.
“I was a graduate of 1987 where I played in the band and I did just about everything any other high school student would do, but it prepared me for college and for life. Some of my best experiences were in high school,” said Chief Harrison.
Yvette Alexis, a member of McDonogh 35’s Alumni Association had the honor of nominating Chief Harrison, who she remembers as a conscientious and hardworking man.
Chief Harrison attributed much of his success to the vast array of valuable leadership skills that he acquired at an early age while leading the marching band of about 150 students.
Chief Harrison sent an encouraging message to students who aspire to achieve similar success. “Reach High, aim for the stars, listen to people who are willing to help you and you can be anything you want to be because it happened for us, it can happen to you too,” said Chief Harrison.