News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department


NOPD Seeking Suspects in Seventh District Armed Robbery

by Aaron E. Looney

November 12, 2020

Categories: Be on the Lookout, Videos

Topics: Armed Robbery, Seventh District

The NOPD is searching for three subjects in the investigation of an armed robbery on November 11, 2020 in the 13000 block of Willowbrook Drive.

Suspects Sought in Second District Armed Carjacking

by Aaron E. Looney

November 5, 2020

Categories: Be on the Lookout, Videos

Topics: Armed Robbery, Second District

The NOPD is requesting assistance from the public in identifying and locating two suspects in the investigation of an armed carjacking on October 22, 2020 in the 4900 block of South Galvez Street.

NOPD Searching for Third District Armed Carjacking Suspects

by Aaron E. Looney

October 26, 2020

Categories: Be on the Lookout, Videos

Topics: Armed Robbery, Third District

The NOPD is seeking assistance in locating and identifying multiple suspects in the investigation of an armed carjacking on October 21, 2020 in the 5000 block of Madrid Street.

Suspects, Person of Interest Sought in NOPD Homicide Investigation

by Aaron E. Looney

October 19, 2020

Categories: Be on the Lookout, Videos

Topics: Homicide, Seventh District

The NOPD is seeking to locate three suspects in the investigation of a homicide on June 13, 2020 in the 8400 block of South I-10 Service Road, as well as a person of interest sought for questioning.

Suspect, Vehicle Sought in Third District Armed Carjacking

by Aaron E. Looney

September 24, 2020

Categories: Be on the Lookout, Videos

Topics: Armed Robbery, Third District

The NOPD is requesting assistance from the public with information regarding a perpetrator and suspect vehicle in the investigation of an armed carjacking on September 22, 2020 in the 6000 block of Cameron Boulevard.

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