The Superintendent’s Major Offense Log is an internal NOPD administrative document used to inform recipients of major offenses or events occurring over a 24 hour period (7am to 7am). Source information used to compile this summary is derived from raw information processed by civilian communications specialists assigned to the NOPD Command Desk in the 9-1-1 Call Center. The City of New Orleans and the New Orleans Police Department makes no representation that the information is accurate, complete, confirmed, investigated, timely, consistent, or correctly sequenced. Users must not consider the information reliable and must not use it to support decisions, conclusions, identifications, comparisons, or sequences of events. The City of New Orleans is not responsible for any error or omission in the information, or for the use of the information by third parties, or for the results of any use of the information. The City does not authorize use of the information for commercial purposes.
*NOTE: The Major Offense Log listings may not appear in chronological order. Please search for the date's log that you are seeking.
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In 2010, Mayor Mitch Landrieu invited the DOJ into New Orleans to partner in reforming and strengthening the New Orleans Police Department.
The department is well on its way to complying with a federal consent decree that is serving as a blueprint for building a world-class police department that protects and serves its community.
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As part of its commitment to transparency and accountability, the New Orleans Police Department has made available its UCR data from 2011 to present.
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