News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department


Six Ways the NOPD is Modernizing Policing for the 21st Century

by Tyler Gamble

August 22, 2016

Categories: Transparency

Topics: Modernizing Policing

Six Ways the NOPD is Modernizing Policing for the 21st Century

In 2010, Mayor Mitch Landrieu invited the DOJ into New Orleans to partner in reforming and strengthening the New Orleans Police Department. 

Sneak Preview: NOPD Replacing Current COMSTAT Process with New, Interactive Open Data Website

by Ben Horwitz

August 10, 2016

Categories: Transparency

Topics: Open Data

The NOPD is taking data-driven performance management to the next level with the launch of a new program called MAX, or Management Analytics for eXcellence, later this fall. 

Data Wonks Rejoice! NOPD Makes Even More Police Data Available to the Public

by Tyler Gamble

August 2, 2016

Categories: Transparency

Topics: Open Data

Data Wonks Rejoice! NOPD Makes Even More Police Data Available to the Public

When Mayor Mitch Landrieu took office in 2011, he made a major policy decision to increase police transparency by releasing NOPD calls for service data to the public online through the City’s Open Data Portal. 

With Body Worn Cameras, NOPD is Improving Officer Transparency, Accountability

by Aaron E. Looney

April 15, 2016

Categories: Transparency, Videos

Topics: Modernizing Policing

When Sixth District Officer Sasha Skipper needs to review what happened at a scene she responded to, all she has to do is go to the tape.

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