The NOPD has obtained an arrest warrant for Conchetta McKissick (DOB: 03-04-1965) in connection with an aggravated assault with a firearm that occurred on September 2, 2017 in the 4800 block of Crowder Boulevard.
On the date of the incident, McKissick reportedly instigated a verbal altercation with the victim, during which time McKissick allegedly produced a handgun from her vehicle, waved it at the victim and made several threatening statements. McKissick was last seen driving a white Volkswagen SUV.
In addition to this incident, McKissick is wanted for assault and placing obscene phone calls in an incident that occurred on June 25, 2017.
Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of Conchetta McKissick is asked to contact Seventh District detectives at 504-658-6070. Citizens with information that can help solve crimes are asked to call Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111 or toll-free at 1-877-903-STOP.