The following is a weekly report of citywide crime statistics compiled by the NOPD Analytics Unit for the period of November 10-16, 2024.
Click the chart below for a larger version. Please note that these statistical figures are preliminary and subject to further analysis and revision.

Notable arrests made
During the listed week, the NOPD also made the following notable arrest(s):
- On November 14, the NOPD arrested Stacy Johnson (black male, DOB; 07-05-1983) in connection with a rape incident that occurred along the Lafitte Greenway during the early morning hours. Bystanders in the area assisted in detaining Johnson until police arrived to effect an arrest. Johnson was booked into the Orleans Parish Justice Center on a charge of attempted second-degree rape.
- The NOPD has arrested five juvenile suspects, ranging in age from 11 to 16, in connection with recent threats made toward 16 local schools. The sources of the threats ranged from social media posts to language written on school property. This is an ongoing investigation.
Gun arrests (arrests made under LA RS 14:95 and sub-items)
Year to date, the NOPD has made 376 arrests for illegal possession of a firearm. This is a 43-percent decrease compared to 665 arrests made during the same period in 2023.
Gun seizures
Additionally, as of November 11, the NOPD in 2024 had seized 1,927 firearms in criminal investigations, a 21-percent decrease compared to 2,491 such seizures made during the same period in 2023.
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