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Two Brothers Embrace Community Through Teaching Music

by Ambria R. Washington

January 27, 2017

Categories: Community, Videos

Topics: Community Policing, Partnerships

Every day, after school, you’ll find NOPD Officer James Caire and NOPD Sgt. Gregory Johnson volunteer their time teaching band students at McDonough 35 High School.

James Caire is the man behind the percussion talent while Sgt. Gregory Johnson is the over the color guards. Caire has been a volunteer drum instructor at the high school for the last four years after he was contacted to help.

“I know music took me a long ways, so I know if I can help these kids at an early age it might can take them even further,” said James Caire. "The good Lord blessed me with some talents, so I guess it’s my job to use them."

About two years ago, he decided to bring his brother along, Sgt. Gregory “Greg” Johnson, to help out with the school’s color guard team.

“I actually used to be a color guard when I was in high school,” said Sgt. Gregory Johnson. “I like it. I like teaching them how to have style how to march how to coordinate it’s all about fun and a challenge. As long as they’re having fun, I’m good.”

When he’s not volunteering, Johnson spends most of his day working as a Sergeant in the Fifth District’s Investigative Unit while his brother works as an officer in the Fourth District.

“We have a great relationship outside of the anything else outside of the police department , and he’ll probably never admit that I’m the reason he became a police officer but I mean he started that behind me and he came on board with this,” said Caire.

Both brothers say they prefer to use the time after work as an outlet and they enjoy every minute of it.

“It’s definitely a change of pace I mean seeing all the bad sides of life to looking at these kids who don’t even know what life is about and helping to mold them in the right direction,” said Caire.

However, both brothers say volunteering and teaching young teens has its own set of challenges.

“You get a different breed of kids every year, so it’s hard but the reward is to see them go off and on to college,” said Caire. “My goal is to have them go to college and don’t have to pay anything.”

So far, the siblings have served a total of 35 years with the NOPD. Although their career is no secret to the students, they’re hoping to use this opportunity to encourage them to follow the right beat in life.

“If I ain’t love it, I wouldn’t be here,” said Johnson.