News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department

January 2017

NOPD Apprehends Curtis Belton for Multiple Armed Robberies, Kidnapping

by Dawne Massey

January 4, 2017

Categories: On Duty

Topics: Armed Robbery, Kidnapping

NOPD Apprehends Curtis Belton for Multiple Armed Robberies, Kidnapping

The NOPD has arrested Curtis Belton (DOB: 11-24-1993) who was wanted in connection with multiple armed robberies and second degree kidnapping.

Officer Donates Brand New Hoverboard to Teen Victim

by Ambria Washington

January 3, 2017

Categories: On the Beat, Videos

Topics: Community Policing, Good Police Work

About a week ago, a 14-year-old teen was robbed at gunpoint while playing on his hoverboard outside of his home. Well, today NOPD officer Brian Pollard along with Fourth District officers decided to surprise the teen with a brand new hoverboard.

Stolen Vehicle Sought from Convention Center Boulevard

by Ambria Washington

January 3, 2017

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Burglary/Theft, Eighth District

Stolen Vehicle Sought from Convention Center Boulevard

The NOPD is searching for a stolen truck that was taken on Convention Center Boulevard. 

Watch The Top Five Most-Viewed NOPDNews Videos From 2016

by Aaron Looney

January 3, 2017

Categories: On the Beat, Videos

Watch The Top Five Most-Viewed NOPDNews Videos From 2016

Video played a major role in the NOPD’s communication strategy in 2016. Throughout the year, the department produced dozens of videos highlighting the stories behind the badge, including profiles on current and retired officers, new recruits and new initiatives.

Suspect Wanted in Burglary of Residence on Race Street

by Aaron Looney

January 3, 2017

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Burglary/Theft, Sixth District

Suspect Wanted in Burglary of Residence on Race Street

An unknown male broke into a home in the 500 block of Race Street on December 14, 2016, and attempted to steal electronics items. The NOPD is seeking assistance from citizens in identifying and locating the suspect.


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