News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department

January 2019

Suspect Wanted for Purse Snatching on General DeGaulle Drive

by Danielle B. Miller

January 7, 2019

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Burglary/Theft, Fourth District

Suspect Wanted for Purse Snatching on General DeGaulle Drive

The NOPD is seeking assistance in identifying and locating the pictured subject, who is wanted in connection with a purse snatching incident that occurred in the 3000 block of General DeGaulle Drive.

Suspects Sought by NOPD for Auto Burglary on Barracks Street

by Danielle B. Miller

January 7, 2019

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Burglary/Theft, Eighth District

Suspects Sought by NOPD for Auto Burglary on Barracks Street

The NOPD is seeking assistance from the public in identifying and locating the pictured subjects after their alleged involvement in an Eighth District auto burglary.

NOPD Seeking Feedback from LGBTQ+ Community Through Online Survey

by Aaron E. Looney

January 7, 2019

Categories: Announcement, Community

Topics: Community Policing

NOPD Seeking Feedback from LGBTQ+ Community Through Online Survey

The NOPD is seeking feedback from the New Orleans LGBTQ+ community as a means to better engage with the community and to assess police activities.

NOPD será la sede de la reunión comunitaria para encuestar a los servicios de dominio limitado del inglés

by Danielle B. Miller

January 7, 2019

Categories: Announcement, Community

NOPD será la sede de la reunión comunitaria para encuestar a los servicios de dominio limitado del inglés

El NOPD está invitando a los residentes a asistir a nuestra próxima reunión comunitaria para obtener comentarios sobre los servicios prestados a la comunidad hispana de habla hispana.

NOPD to Host Community Meeting to Survey Limited English Proficiency Services

by Danielle B. Miller

January 7, 2019

Categories: Announcement, Community

Topics: Community Policing, Districts, Police Training

NOPD to Host Community Meeting to Survey Limited English Proficiency Services

The NOPD is reminding residents to attend our upcoming community meeting to gain feedback on services provided to the Spanish-speaking Hispanic Community.

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