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Person of Interest Sought

by Barry C Fletcher

August 26, 2024

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Homicide, Person of Interest, Seventh District

Person of Interest Sought

New Orleans Police are asking the public's assistance with locating a person of interest.

According to investigators, Alvin Mitchell (pictured), Black male, DOB 01/07/1991 is believed to possess information concerning a murder by shooting which occurred on June 21, 2022 in the 7000 block of Lawrence Road. Note Alvin Mitchell is known to carry firearms and has a history of violence so anyone with knowledge of his location should simply report the information to the police and NOT attempt to interact with him. 

Note Alvin Mitchell is NOT currently wanted for a crime and is sought only because he is believed to be in possession of information needed by investigators.  

Anyone with information concerning the crime or the location of Alvin Mitchell should call the Homicide Section at 504-658-5300 or to anonymously call Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111.


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