News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department


NOPD Provides EPIC Training Opportunity to Police and City Government Representatives

by Dawne Massey

May 17, 2017

Categories: Announcement, Transparency

Topics: Modernizing Policing, Police Training

NOPD Provides EPIC Training Opportunity to Police and City Government Representatives

Representatives from various city governments and police departments are in New Orleans today (May 17) to get training in a new program offered by the NOPD.

WATCH: Meet NOPD's Master Canine Trainer

by Ambria R. Washington

May 10, 2017

Categories: On Duty, On the Beat, Videos

Topics: Police Training

Senior Canine Officer Harold Chambliss joined the New Orleans Police Department in the summer of 1980 and eventually made his way to a Specialized Division, the Canine Unit. As of today, he’s known as the Master Canine Trainer.

NOPD, Southern Law Enforcement Foundation Team Up for First Responder Training

by Dawne Massey

April 12, 2017

Categories: On the Beat

Topics: Police Training

NOPD, Southern Law Enforcement Foundation Team Up for First Responder Training

NOPD recently hosted its first-ever Peer Support Program, a training module designed to show officers how to assist fellow officers in achieving mental wellness.  

NOPD Deputy Chief Completes National Leadership, Mentorship Program

by Aaron E. Looney

April 7, 2017

Categories: On the Beat, Videos

Topics: Police Training

In an effort to better serve our community, the NOPD encourages continuing education and training for its ranks, including its senior leadership. As part of that training, Deputy Chief Paul Noel recently attended and graduated from the Major Cities Chiefs Association’s (MCCA) fourth Police Executive Leadership Institute (PELI).


Compliance Bureau Commander Completes Elite FBI Training

by Ambria R. Washington

March 23, 2017

Categories: On the Beat

Topics: Police Training

Compliance Bureau Commander Completes Elite FBI Training

NOPD’s Commander of Compliance and policy implementation of the Consent Decree Otha Sandifer was one of the 227 law enforcement leaders throughout the country to graduate from the exclusive FBI specialized training academy in Quantico, Virginia.

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