News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department


NOPD Announces Plan Addressing Traffic, Closures for Mardi Gras 2021

by NOPD Public Affairs

February 8, 2021

Categories: Announcement

Topics: Announcement

NOPD Announces Plan Addressing Traffic, Closures for Mardi Gras 2021

The NOPD has announced its plan to address traffic concerns and enforcement of city restrictions on large crowds for the upcoming Mardi Gras 2021 weekend, amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

NOPD To Conduct Sobriety Checkpoint

by NOPD Public Affairs

February 3, 2021

Categories: Announcement

Topics: Announcement

NOPD To Conduct Sobriety Checkpoint

The NOPD's Traffic Division will conduct an upcoming sobriety checkpoint within Orleans Parish from 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 4, 2021 through Friday, February 5, 2021 at 5:00 a.m.


NOPD Reminds Drivers to “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” During Mardi Gras Season

by Aaron E. Looney

February 3, 2021

Categories: Announcement

Topics: Announcement

NOPD Reminds Drivers to “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” During Mardi Gras Season

From February 5-16, NHTSA will join with the NOPD to spread the word about impaired driving dangers and to work together to get drunk drivers off the roads and help save lives through the high-visibility national enforcement campaign, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” During this period, local law enforcement will show zero tolerance for drunk driving. Increased state and national messages about the dangers of drunk driving, coupled with law enforcement and increased officers on the road, aim to drastically reduce drunk driving on our nation’s roadways.

NOPD Announces Retirement of Long-Serving Captain, Promotion, Command Structure Shifts

by Gary S. Scheets

January 22, 2021

Categories: Announcement

Topics: Announcement

NOPD Announces Retirement of Long-Serving Captain, Promotion, Command Structure Shifts

Captain James Scott is retiring after 47 years and Lt. Bruce Haney was promoted to the rank of Captain

NOPD Mourns Loss of Detective Gregory Hamilton

by NOPD Public Affairs

January 22, 2021

Categories: Announcement

Topics: Announcement

NOPD Mourns Loss of Detective Gregory Hamilton

The NOPD mourns the loss of 26-year department veteran and Homicide Unit Detective Gregory Hamilton, who passed away peacefully at his home in Harvey, La. on January 15, 2021 at the age of 64.

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