News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department


Mayor Landrieu, NOPD Announce Increased Pay for Officers, Greater Opportunity for Advancement Under Proposed New Pay Plan

by Aaron E. Looney

July 5, 2017

Categories: Announcement

Topics: Modernizing Policing, Partnerships, Recruitment

Mayor Landrieu, NOPD Announce Increased Pay for Officers, Greater Opportunity for Advancement Under Proposed New Pay Plan

Today, Mayor Mitch Landrieu and New Orleans Police Department Superintendent Michael Harrison announced proposed changes to the department’s pay and job classification structure, specifically designed to increase the number of officers on the street by addressing long-standing retention issues and to incentivize long-term careers on the force.

NOPD Joins Team Hope NOLA, ESSENCE in Celebrity Basketball Fundraiser Game

by Ambria R. Washington

June 29, 2017

Categories: Community, Videos

Topics: Community Policing, Districts, Partnerships

In partnership with Team Hope NOLA, NOPD officers took on the New Orleans Fire Department for a third time during the ESSENCE festival charity celebrity basketball game today at Xavier University Convocation Center.

WATCH: Fourth District Officer Takes L.B. Landry High Students to Prom

by Ambria R. Washington

May 22, 2017

Categories: Community, On the Beat, Videos

Topics: Community Policing, Good Police Work, Partnerships

Fourth District officer Shantell Howard never thought she would be going back to prom until she was asked by one student at L.B. Landry High School.

NOPD Mounted Unit to Receive Donation from Hermes-BTP

by Dawne Massey

May 10, 2017

Categories: Announcement

Topics: Partnerships

NOPD Mounted Unit to Receive Donation from Hermes-BTP

The NOPD’s Mounted Unit has been designated to receive a sizable grant from Hermes-Beyond the Parade (Hermes-BTP) foundation. 

NOPJF has Officers' and the Community’s Backs

by Dawne Massey

May 3, 2017

Categories: Community, Videos

Topics: Partnerships

NOPJF has Officers' and the Community’s Backs

The NOPD is fortunate to have a number of partners throughout the New Orleans community, and one of the primary organizations that provides back-up to the men and women in blue is the New Orleans Police & Justice Foundation (NOPJF). 

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