News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department


NOPD Identifies Suspect Wanted for Illegal Use of a Weapon, Criminal Damage to Property and Auto Theft


September 7, 2016

Categories: Be on the Lookout

Topics: Burglary/Theft, Criminal Damage, Fourth District

NOPD Identifies Suspect Wanted for Illegal Use of a Weapon,  Criminal Damage to Property and Auto Theft

The NOPD has obtained an arrest warrant for Brice Perez (DOB: 3-31-1996) in connection to illegal use of a weapon, simple criminal damage to property and auto theft.

Residents Break Bread, Barriers with Fourth District Officers

by Dawne Massey

August 29, 2016

Categories: Community

Topics: Community Policing, Fourth District

Residents Break Bread, Barriers with Fourth District Officers

In November 2014, Eric Songy decided he wanted to do something for NOPD officers in the Fourth District. As the new president of the Bocage Civic Association (BCA), Songy reached out to NOPD Superintendent Michael Harrison and asked what he could do.

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