News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department


NOPD to Take Part in City Police, Fire and EMS Inspection and Memorial Mass on December 10

by Aaron E. Looney

December 7, 2017

Categories: Announcement

Topics: Announcement

NOPD to Take Part in City Police, Fire and EMS Inspection and Memorial Mass on December 10

The NOPD will join the New Orleans Fire Department and New Orleans EMS in taking part in the City of New Orleans’ Annual Inspection and Memorial Mass on Sunday, December 10, 2017. The event will begin at 10:30 a.m. in Jackson Square, followed by a mass at 11 a.m. at St. Louis Cathedral.

WATCH: NOPD Launches Cadet Program, Seeks New Applicants

by Ambria R. Washington

December 1, 2017

Categories: Announcement, Community, Videos

Topics: Community Policing, Districts, Police Training, Recruitment

The NOPD has developed a hands-on cadet program geared toward local high school seniors and college students interested in a career as an NOPD officer. 

The NOPD Introduces New Fuse Fellow E. Aminata Brown

by Danielle B. Miller

November 30, 2017

Categories: Announcement, Videos

Topics: Districts, Modernizing Policing

The New Orleans Police Department teamed up with Fuse Corps Fellowship to host a Fuse Fellow for the duration of a one year term. E. Aminata Brown was selected to join the NOPD as a Fuse Fellow Executive Advisor from October 2017 through October 2018.

Fourth Annual Teddy Bear Program Now Accepting Donations

by Gary Scheets

November 29, 2017

Categories: Announcement

Topics: Community Policing, Districts

Fourth Annual Teddy Bear Program Now Accepting Donations

This holiday season, Arnaud’s Restaurant, in partnership with the New Orleans Police & Justice Foundation (NOPJF), will host its Fourth Annual Teddy Bear Program, benefiting the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD), Raintree Children and Family Services, and local communities.

NOPD Second District's Annual Toy Drive Kicks Off This Week

by Gary Scheets

November 29, 2017

Categories: Announcement, Community

Topics: Community Policing, Partnerships, Second District

NOPD Second District's Annual Toy Drive Kicks Off This Week

If you care to share a little holiday spirit the NOPD Second District has the answer for you.

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