News & Information from the New Orleans Police Department

August 2016

Promising Applicants Can Earn a Paycheck Before Becoming a Police Recruit

by Aaron E. Looney

August 19, 2016

Categories: On the Beat

Topics: Recruitment

Promising Applicants Can Earn a Paycheck Before Becoming a Police Recruit

For anyone looking to join a city police department, there’s no better time to look for the job than now. Major cities across the country, including New Orleans, are hiring up and offering impressive incentives for new police recruit applicants.

Veteran Officers Step up to Train the Next Generation of NOPD

by Dawne Massey

August 17, 2016

Categories: On the Beat, Videos

Topics: Police Training, Recruitment

NOPD recruits undergo a rigorous training curriculum—a mix of classroom, scenario-based and physical training for 26 weeks at the Training Academy. 

NOPD Sends Senior Leadership to Career-Building Training

by Dawne Massey

August 15, 2016

Categories: On the Beat

Topics: Police Training

NOPD Sends Senior Leadership to Career-Building Training

The best leaders are built from within an organization. That’s why the NOPD puts so much emphasis on providing officers with leadership development opportunities that give them the skills they need to succeed at every rank in the department.

Sneak Preview: NOPD Replacing Current COMSTAT Process with New, Interactive Open Data Website

by Ben Horwitz

August 10, 2016

Categories: Transparency

Topics: Open Data

The NOPD is taking data-driven performance management to the next level with the launch of a new program called MAX, or Management Analytics for eXcellence, later this fall. 

Geaux Blue Day Event Showed NOPD Officers and Their Families How Much They're Appreciated

by Tyler Gamble and Ambria Washington

August 9, 2016

Categories: Community

Topics: Community Policing

NOPD officers and their families had Storyland and the Carousel Amusement Park at New Orleans City Park all to themselves Monday (Aug 8) for a night that was meant to show them how much they're appreciated. 

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